Friday, January 11, 2013

Sea Isle City E-Newsletter January 10, 2013

From the City of Sea Isle City

January 10, 2013


2013 has arrived and Sea Isle City is ready for it!

As we say goodbye to a challenging year, be assured that we are eager to embrace the New Year with a positive attitude, exciting plans and a lot of hard work.  Residents and visitors should have no doubt that our “season” will be met by a prepared community.

One much-anticipated and long-awaited project will begin next week: the reconstruction of JFK Boulevard will complete the Beach to Bay Corridor project with attractive landscaping, decorative lighting and wide sidewalks.  This project, which is made possible through four million dollars in funding from the Federal government, will make the entrance to our city more breathtaking than ever.

Do you remember when Sea Isle’s season began on Memorial Day Weekend?  No longer!  With the Polar Bear Plunge becoming a major annual event, our season opener is now President’s Weekend with all the fun and excitement planned around the icy plunge.  Over the years, many shore towns have added their own winter plunges to their calendar of events but there are none quite like Sea Isle’s.  Anyone who has ever stood on the beach or promenade watching the flocks of costumed bathers race for the sea knows that the event wakes our island from winter.  From the Polar Bear Plunge onward, businesses begin opening and our community begins welcoming weekend visitors.  Once the quiet, post-holiday weeks have passed, everyone knows that spring is not far off and beach weather is just around the corner! Until then, know that those of us who are committed to making Sea Isle City the best possible place for living and vacationing for the greatest people anywhere never have an “off-season”!

On another note, at the January 22nd City Council meeting, I will present the administration’s proposed budget for 2013 to the Council, and deliver the annual State of the City Address.  Without giving away any details, I can assure everyone that the state of our City is strong.  As I said at the beginning of this message, we are ready for 2013!

Smile…You’re in Sea Isle!

Mayor Leonard Desiderio

We’d like to begin the first City Council Message of 2013 with a sincere wish for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!

FEMA has released their proposed maps for construction within floodplains, which will affect future construction standards for our community.  Council and Administration are reviewing these maps to determine the impact they will have on our construction policies and insurance ratings.  This matter will be discussed at upcoming council meetings, and we will keep you apprised as we move forward with our review.

Continuing our reconstruction in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the Council introduced on first reading Ordinance 1535, which will provide funding for construction of a municipal complex that will house both City Hall and the Public Safety facility.  A portion of this legislation also provides for the replacement of a fire truck which was deemed a total loss as a result of the super storm.

Landlord/Tenant hearings were held on January 8th; with another hearing scheduled for January 22 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall council chambers, located in the former Sea Isle Public School Building (4501 Park Road).  The outcome of these hearings will determine whether landlords who have rented to disruptive tenants will qualify for future rental permits or if restrictions will prevail.

Preparations are underway to ready the City for Polar Bear Plunge Weekend, scheduled for President’s Weekend, February 15, 16 and 17.  In addition to the regular activities (King, Queen, Prince and Princess contests, a vendors market, the plunge itself and the Walk/Run for Autism), the City is hoping to add an informational session for the public on the future construction of the proposed City Hall/Public Safety facility.  Possible dates being considered are Friday, February 15th in the City Hall complex meeting room, Saturday, February 16th and Sunday, February 17th at the Welcome Center on JFK Boulevard.

The administration’s proposed 2013 budget, along with the Mayor’s State of the City Address, will be presented to Council on Tuesday, January 22nd at 10:00 a.m.  A budget workshop will be held on Thursday, January 24th at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall.

In closing, please keep in mind that Council is always open to taxpayer comments and suggestions, and encourage you to contact us or attend City council meetings and workshops.

Best regards from the Members of City Council


Lagoon Dredging – The contractor, Wickberg Marine Contracting, of Belford, NJ, has completed dredging Rio Grande Lagoon, Rio Delle Isole, Rio Del Amore, and Rio Delle Luna.  The contractor expects to move to Rio Delle Stelle next week.
The lagoons being dredged are as follows:
Rio Grande (south side of 47th Place)
Rio Delle Stelle (between 46th and 47th Place)
Rio Delle Luna (between 45th and 46th Place)  
Rio Del Amore (between 44th Street and 45th Place)
Rio Delle Isole (along Venicean Road)
Rio Del Barche (between 43rd Place and 44th Street)
Rio Del Affare (between 42nd and 43rd Place)
Rio Delle Ponte (along Park Road on either side of 43rd Place)
The project provides for the ability of private property owners adjacent to the project area to enter into an agreement with the dredging contractor to dredge their private slips (at the private owner’s expense).  In conjunction with the City project, properties at the above locations do have the required permits to perform private slip dredging. The Contractor has mobilized the excavator barge to Rio del Luna, were the dredge currently is, and will begin homeowners slips there.
As part of this project, consistent with the commitment to afford the opportunity to private property owners to have their slips dredged (at their own expense), the City continues to work with the Army Corps of Engineers and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to obtain permits for previously identified areas of need, including the western side of Venicean Road (along the Intracoastal waterway) and along Sounds Avenue (in the area of 38th Street).  Permits for these areas are expected to be obtained in the near future, in order to allow time for these property owners to come to agreement with the dredging contractor to have their slips dredged prior to completion of the overall project.

Sewer and Road Reconstruction on Central Avenue (49th to 69th Street) - The project has been contracted to the firm of Lewandowski Construction Industries, Inc., of Waterford, NJ.  The project resumed on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 and they are currently working on 51st to 53rd Street on Central Avenue.   The sewer portion of the project is expected to be completed this winter; after which the entire roadway will be resurfaced (we expect to perform base paving in the spring with final surface course paving in the fall, following the 2013 summer season).  The project will provide for an upgraded sewer system and new road surface for the entire one mile stretch of roadway.  This section of sewer has been problematic for years, with continuous maintenance issues; and this project will not only provide for appropriate sewage infrastructure, it will assist in decreasing the amount of ground water sent to the county sewage treatment plant, thus saving in unnecessary costs associated with the treatment of “infiltration” water.

Utility Reconstruction on Landis Avenue (54th to 69th Street) – The project has been contracted to F.W. Shawl & Sons of Marmora, NJ, and will provide for water and sewer line replacement in advance of the County project to resurface Landis Avenue from 54th to 69th Street. The contractor has completed the utility main replacements on Landis Avenue including laterals and is currently black topping all ditches.  The County is scheduled to resurface Landis Avenue from 54th to 63rd Street in the spring of 2013.  63rd to 69th Street is now planned to be resurfaced following the summer of 2013.

Inflow and Infiltration (I & I) Remediation – NO CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS UPDATE - The firm of Video Pipe Services, Inc. of Newfield, NJ, has substantially completed the project, and is in the process of working with the City Engineer to close-out the project.  The need for this project was identified over the past several years through a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the City’s sewer system.  Sewer systems are prone to both inflow (overland water entering the sewer system through manhole covers and other surface openings in the system); and infiltration (entry of groundwater into pipelines through cracks, deteriorated pipe, and pipe joints).  The effects of I & I are symptoms of deterioration of the sewer system that must be corrected to avoid more problematic maintenance issues and potential failure of the sewer system.  I & I is also costly, in that the City must pay for the unnecessary treatment of water that enters the sanitary sewer system.  This is the first phase of a multi-year citywide sewer maintenance and improvement project that will ensure the continued viability of the City’s vital sewer infrastructure.  The next phase of I & I work will involve replacement of sewer lines that cannot be substantially corrected through internal, “no-dig” repairs, as were performed in this phase.  As those projects are engineered and prepared for bidding and construction, we will provide updates on the specific details of the projects.

Utility Reconstruction, Various Streets - The project includes replacement of deteriorated underground utilities (water and sewer) in several streets, as part of the City’s comprehensive road and utility program.  The project is being performed by Garden State General Construction, Inc., of Rio Grande, NJ.  Following utility work, the streets will receive new surface paving.  The following streets are included in this project:
1.    42nd Street, Landis Avenue to Promenade
2.    48th Street, Landis Avenue to Promenade 
3.    50th Street, Landis Avenue to Promenade                     
4.    51st Street, Landis Avenue to Promenade                       
5.    60th Street, Landis Avenue to Central Avenue   
6.    43rd Place      
7.    79th Street, Landis Avenue to Central Avenue   
8.    60th Street, Landis Avenue to Beach End     
With work substantially completed on 42nd, 48th, 50th and 51st Street the contractor will be concentrating work on 60th Street.

JFK Boulevard Reconstruction, from Bridge to Landis Avenue –The County received bids for the project on December 12, 2012.  The apparent low bidder was Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc., of Hammonton, NJ in the amount of $3,773,000.00.  A preconstruction meeting for the project took place on January 9th, at which time details for the project were reviewed, along with the proposed construction schedule.

The following are some of the important details regarding the project:
1.    Construction is expected to start on January 14, 2013. The project will begin with the closing of the north side of JFK Boulevard with two way traffic being diverted to the south side of JFK Boulevard from the foot of bridge to Landis Avenue.
2.    The project will be coordinated with the City to ensure minimal disruption during Polar Bear Plunge.
3.    The majority of the work will be completed prior to the 2013 Memorial Day weekend, and there will be two lanes along each side of the boulevard open for Memorial Day weekend and no access restrictions for that weekend. 
4.    The project is scheduled for substantial completion by mid-June, 2013.
5.    Final completion of the project, including all punch list items, is scheduled for fall 2013; with no work to take place during the summer season.
6.    The project construction is being completely funded by the federal government.

Water Well & Well House Construction at 50th Street –  The contract is being performed by B&H Contracting, Inc., of Folsom, NJ, in the amount of $1,363,000.  The contractor has finished drilling the “pilot hole” for the well, to the depth of 876 feet.  They have completed some of the casings for the well.    Drilling crews were working in two 8-hour shifts, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. to fast track the drilling process.  This may continue, dependent on the ability of the contractor to adhere to the schedule.  Ultimately, the project will provide for the capability to deliver approximately one million gallons of water each day to City residents, and will help to ensure the viability of our critical water infrastructure now and into the future.  A portion of the work will require around the clock operations (during well drilling, which will extend to a depth of over 800 feet).  The surrounding residents have been notified regarding these operations, and the City will take measures to minimize any inconveniences.  The project is expected to be completed prior to the summer 2013 season.  This week the contractor was “cleaning out and reaming” the bored hole.  Next week they will be receiving delivery of the 18” casing, and installation and grouting of that casing will commence (700+-feet).

Mill/Pave Overlay of Various Streets - The project has been awarded to the firm of South State, Inc., of Bridgeton, NJ, in the amount of $317,185.66.   Weather permitting, the entire project will be completed in January.  Concrete work on this project is substantially complete.  Milling operations have begun on the northern end of the project.  Expect one full day of milling and then paving will begin, then both operations will continue until complete. Work is ongoing

The following streets are included in the project:
30th St. (Landis to Bay End)
34th St. (Landis to Central)
38th St. (Landis to Central)
39th St. (Landis to Central)
40th St. (Central to Cini)
40th St. (Cini to Kneass)
Cini St. (39th to 40th)
47th St. (Central to Park)
Roberts Ave. (77th to 79th)
86th St. Landis to Pleasure
Roberts Ave. 56th Street to 54th


--The next regular City Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 22, at 10:00 a.m. inside Council Chambers.
--A City Council Budget Workshop will take place Thursday, January 24, at 9:00 a.m. inside Council Chambers.
--2013 Polar Bear Plunge Weekend is Friday-Sunday, February 15-17. Don’t’ miss the Polar Bear King-Queen-Prince-Princess Competitions on Friday night, the Costume Contest, Vendor's Tent and Plunge into the Atlantic Ocean on Saturday, and the Polar Bear 5K Run/1.5 Mile Walk for Autism on Sunday.
--Sea Isle’s 2013 Saint Patrick’s Day Parade will take place on Saturday, March 16, at 3:30 p.m. along Landis Avenue between 93rd and 63rd Street (263-4461, ext.1230 or

--To enter the Polar Bear Prince & Princess Contest at 6:00 p.m. on February 15, phone 263-9090 or visit
--To enter the Polar Bear King & Queen Contest at 7:00 p.m. on February 15, phone 263-3611 or visit
--To learn about the annnual Costume Contest at 12 noon on February 16, phone 263-3611 or visit
--To learn about the Plunge into the Altantic Ocean at 2:00 p.m. on February 16, phone 263-3611 or visit
--To enter the 5K Run/1.5 Mile Walk for Autism at 12:30 p.m. on February 17, phone 609-778-8418 or visit


--Registration for Spring Baseball, Softball and Tee-ball is now underway for children, ages 5-12. You can register your child on weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (excluding holidays) at the Recreation Services Building, 6108 Central Avenue.  Downloadable registration forms and Sea Isle’s Code of Ethics can be found online,  Fee: $25 per player. Registration ends February 22 (263-0050).
--Personalized Bricks for the Sea Isle City Historical Museum’s Memorial Garden are available for $200 each. Bricks are a great way to remember someone you love (609-624-7929).
--Sea Isle City offers online view and payment options for municipal property tax bills and water/sewer utility bills (visit and click on the "Tax & Utility Payment Center" icon at the bottom of the homepage). You can mail-in a payment as always, or pay online through your checking account, credit card or debit card. Please Note: Online viewing is free; however a convenience charge will be applied if you pay your bills online.
--The City of Sea Isle City will gladly arrange a Welcome Home Ceremony for any member of the United States military as they return to town. To arrange a “Hero’s Welcome” for your favorite Sailor, Marine, Soldier, Airman, National Guard or Coast Guard service member, phone Mayor Desiderio’s Office (263-4461, ext. 245) or Commander Chick Haines at VFW Post 1963 (263-1711). You can also find a “Welcome Home Ceremony” application online at (via the “Quick Links” and “Downloadable Forms” tabs).
--You can properly dispose of American flags by placing them in the flag collection bin in front of VFW Post 1963 on JFK Boulevard. Please be certain to properly care for all America flags no matter what size!


Sea Isle City was once again sparking with colorful lights and glittering decorations during the 2012 holiday season – thanks in part to the participants of the City’s annual Holiday House Lighting Contest, which was hosted by the Recreation Office and judged by members of the Sea Isle City Garden Club.1st Place: The Laidlaw Home, 7804 Central Avenue (South), recipients of a gift certificate from 1st Bank of Sea Isle City…

2nd Place: 
The Kehner Home, 107 33rd Street (East), recipient of a gift certificate from 1st Bank of Sea Isle City…

3rd Place: The Thibault Home, 8101 Pleasure Avenue, recipient of a floral arrangement from Rocky and Fred’s Creative Design Florist...

House Lighting Contest Honorable Mention: The Horay Home, 4801 Central Avenue (North); The Olivieri/Donato Home, 209 48th Street (West); The Boyer Home, 5301 Central Avenue; and The Waldron Home, 122 E. 79th Street. All contestants were judged on creativity, aesthetic effect and endeavor – and each home looked beautiful!

Sea Isle's New Year’s Eve in Egypt celebration on December 31 was a huge success.  Approximately 400 guests were in attendance, who enjoyed a buffet dinner, music and dancing, balloon artists, face painters and a "countdown to midnight" at 7:00 p.m...

On January 3, Sea Isle’s Mayor Leonard Desiderio was sworn-in for another term as Freeholder of Cape May County before a full-house of spectators (photos courtesy of the Cape May County Communications Office)...

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